Words From Dr. Sletten

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    Cavities: What You Should Know

    July 27, 2016

    What keeps people from having a cavity filled? Generally, the answer comes down to one of two important issues: fear of the dentist or concern about the cost of the treatment. However, if you have a cavity filled, there are a few reasons you should get it filled immediately. You see, cavities are formed by…

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    How to Deal with a Dental Emergency

    July 1, 2016

    Even if you practice proper dental hygiene, accidents can happen. Your teeth, lips, or gums may become inflamed or injured. It is important to know what to do in these situations and when you should visit our dentist. Chipped Tooth Save the pieces and rinse them. Rinse your mouth with warm water. If there is…

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    Understanding the Differences Between Full and Partial Dentures

    June 16, 2016

    Dentures are great dental appliances that can replace your missing teeth and give you the strong, functional smile and oral health you deserve. There are two different types of dentures that can benefit you, but they both have many differences. To help you understand dentures a little bit more, we’re happy to explain the differences…

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    Abscessed Tooth? We Can Help!

    May 27, 2016

    Just like any other part other of our body, we can injure the inside of our mouth. If this happens, bacteria can potentially enter and cause an infection—which can lead to a painful swelling filled with pus. If the pus can’t escape the area will become even more swollen and painful. This is known as…

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    Does Fluoride Really Work?

    May 16, 2016

    Our teeth face a constant onslaught of corrosive acid produced by bacteria in our mouths. If allowed, this acid makes cavities that expose the sensitive inner layers of teeth and can cause quite a bit of pain. Our first line of defense against decay is tooth enamel, the hardest substance in the human body. But…

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